The continuation of Earth’s suitability as a habitat for human and animal life depends widely on how well we incorporate sustainability in our activities. The decade we live in is a turning point and perhaps a last chance before we cross the Nine Planetary Boundaries as defined by Stockholm Resilience Center.
The critical importance of sustainability within this framework is greatly highlighted by NGOs, governments and large enterprises. The transition into a more sustainable future can be achieved by participation at all levels, including small enterprises, communities and individuals.
The current Covid-19 pandemic has proven how vulnerable and interconnected humans are. Our man-made borders have virtually no effect in protecting us against an act of nature. Having witnessed this fact first-hand, we can no longer afford to forge ahead an environmental disaster endangering life on the planet.
We believe that the success of our company, our brands and our products depend on how well we implement practices of sustainability. This is our number-one strategic priority. Our achievement of this goal, naturally, depends on the participation of our employees and stakeholders. To raise awareness on the issue of sustainable practices, we encourage their collaboration by providing regular training sessions and seminars.
Our commitment to sustainability becomes vital especially in the development of new products. We formulate several of our insecticides without any ecotoxicity hazard profile. We created a range of certified natural detergents with no environmental impact in partnership with Ecocert®. These are huge steps forward not only for us, but also for the market we operate in.
Sınai Kimya has set the goal of sustainable material sourcing and to participate in a circular economy. By the year 2030:
- All our plastic material will be recyclable or bioplastic with the ultimate priority to be biodegradable.
- Whenever possible, chemical raw materials will be derived from renewable sources respecting biodiversity.
- In our packaging, we will promote the use of reusable and refillable solutions.
Our environmental policy sets the guiding principles in the execution of our business activity in production and workplace. In line with the policy, in 2019, 16% of our energy consumption comes from renewable energy. In the first half of 2020 the share of renewable energy has increased to 18%. By the end of this decade, we are confident that the majority of our energy consumption will be from renewable sources. We strive to reduce our CO2 emission, and upgrade our equipment with those providing efficiency in order to reach the carbon neutrality frontier.
Our participation in the Zero Waste Initiative has led us to mitigate waste formation, to separate waste at source and reduce our waste. Our water management system monitors waste water with an in-line sampler ensuring that it is reusable after treatment.
A fundamental principle of our business is to encourage diversity and create equal opportunity. In this regard, we also take responsibility to promote social sustainability, a practice that is as important as the environmental aspect of sustainability itself. Our participation in the local labor association’s on-the-job training program helps young people gain work experience and flourish in the industry they want to work in. We are glad that some of our team members have joined our company through this program and are currently working with us to achieve our common goals.
We are committed to promoting sustainable living for all for a better future.